Tuesday, August 14, 2012

iPhone records 1,000-foot free-fall, survives

Another hard-core drop test impresses, or at least gets adrenaline junkies to pay attention. 

Some companies will go to great heights to test a product.(Credit: Screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET)

The video below, part of which was recorded from an iPhone free-falling 1,000 feet after being dropped by a BASE jumper in a wingsuit, is at least three things: link bait, a promotional stunt, and pretty damn cool.
G-Form, the maker of smartphone and tablet cases with a penchant for torturing devices with drops from great heights, sought to outdo itself with this stunt. Gary Connery -- most recently seen parachuting into the London Olympics opening ceremonies -- and some other adrenaline junkies are seen jumping off the Eiger in Switzerland, suited-up with iPhones. At 1,000 feet, one phone is dropped and records its rapid descent and survival.

Whether or not it convinces you to buy a G-Form case remains to be seen, but yet again I find myself drawn to gadgetary sadism. Maybe I need therapy.

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